
Glow by Beth Kery
Glow by Beth Kery

Julianne Coopersmith, a sweetly compassionate child of divorce who happily wears designer hand-me-downs from her best friend, and adores Michael even in the face of his neediness and meltdowns

Glow by Beth Kery

Michael Avery, smart driven, and clearly on the fast track to Cambridge, but so troubled that he becomes a burden to his girlfriend Lazy ministers to children, but her cross to bear is the parents- especially those who wonder why their little darlings aren' t going to Harvard Kathryn " Lazy" Hoffman is the headmistress at the Griffin School, in the midst of an affair she almost can' t remember why she started. The emotionally charged lives of the teenagers and adults that collide and intersect at Griffin include those of: Griffin is a preparatory school on Manhattan' s Upper East Side with the best students- and the richest parent body- the city has to offer. It' s a world of over-the-top entitlement and tribal customs, a world of surface interactions and deep needs- a world of private schools and privilege.

Glow by Beth Kery